My name is Jon McLean, and I first began attending FBBC in 2017 during a summer internship at the church while on break from pursuing graduate studies in South Carolina. I returned in 2019 to serve as a full-time pastoral intern; and in 2022, the church called me to serve as their associate pastor. I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing us to return to this assembly of believers—and now to stay—for growth and ministry together. We rejoice over God’s leading to this point. The Lord graciously allowed me to grow up in a home with Christian parents who taught me the Word of God and who consistently took me to a church which preached the Gospel. I have no doubt that this upbringing was one of the chief means God used to rescue me from my own sinful way. When I was 7 years old, I accepted Christ. Since then, the Lord has continued to teach me and make me more like his Son, Jesus Christ. In 2017 I married my wonderful wife Jenn, and since then God has graciously given us 2 children. We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord together.
The Lord gave me a desire to work in vocational ministry as a young man, although it was not until my time in graduate school that I was sure God was growing my desire to pastor. I attended Bob Jones University for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees and am currently working to finish my Master of Divinity degree from there as well. We are thankful to the Lord for his clear direction in our lives and for his grace in calling us to Falls Berean Bible Church.
My desire is to serve the Lord and his people, always remembering that Christ gave himself for me in his life, death, and resurrection. What a privilege it is to serve this risen Savior! If I can be of help to you, please call me at (234) 206-1742, or email me at [email protected].